This Week's Sponsor:


Ensure that if a device isn’t secure it can’t access your apps.  It’s Device Trust for Okta.

WWDC 2019: Connected Live at Hammer Theatre Center

I’ll be in San Jose for the week of WWDC, and for the second year we will be hosting a live recording of Connected at Hammer Theatre Center on Wednesday, June 5.

Last year’s live show was amazing, and we promise this year’s edition will be the most entertaining live show of the entire week of WWDC. There will be surprises involved.

You should act fast though: tickets for the orchestra level are already sold out, but you can still get one for the parterre and balcony levels. The Hammer Theatre is a beautiful venue; even on the balcony level, you won’t be far from the stage.

You can get your ticket here. It’s going to be fun, and I hope you’ll join us.